SEO Will Never Die, But - pasarIN, tulisIN-karya kekitaan - karya selesaiin masalah

SEO Will Never Die, But…

1:00 baca

Pagi-pagi lagi prepare checklist untuk berkarya hari ini. Buka linkedin, postingan Mas Ilman dan Mas Eli muncul di timeline.

Gini kontennya…

Lalu Mas Ilman pun repost dengan pendapatnya.

Di bilang, setuju sama Mas Eli Schwartz. Audience butuh pilihan. Kerjain SEO dengan cara berkualitas juga.

Selengkapnya baca ↗️disini

Kalo aku punya pendapat gini…

I do agree that SEO WILL NEVER DIE

But there is 1 thing that makes me worry.

Imagine conditions before the pandemic, we all are more comfortable with offline meetings than online. We are familiar with gmeet, zoom, and other tools.

But, after the pandemic, I and the majority of my client prefer to do an online meeting first.


Because it is easier and cheaper.

But has the same results.

How about you?



Imagine something like a pandemic happening (again) that educates or pushes the audience to better use SGE or whatever the technology name is rather than SEO.

Audiences need information to make decisions, absolutely agree.

But we need to stay aware, that the audience needs an easy and cheap way to get information.

What if, SGE or the other new technology can provide it better than search?

How we will survive?

SEO practitioners with whatever the name and specialty.

We need to be aware and prepared and keep going to educate the audience.

I do agree with Eli Schwartz: audience with choices.

I agree with Muhammad Ilman Akbar, that content walks with quality.

Something like this content and conversation will be one of them.

But, what else we can do?

Terbit di linkedIN Sabtu, 13 April 2024 pukul 06:27 WIB

Selain itu, aku

Itu kalo menurut kami bertiga?
Gimana menurutmu?

Seneng bisa berbagi.
Pasti bermanfaat.

Tulisan ini udah terposting di linkedIN


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